Weather in Dawki

Dawki River

Weather in Dawki

Dawki’s weather is best described as tropical; however, it rarely gets too hot in the summers or too cold in the winters. For more information on when to visit Dawki, keep reading.

The best time to visit Dawki is from November to May as Dawki can be seen all year, but the winter and summer seasons from November to May are the best times to explore its immense natural beauty. This is the time of year when the weather is most pleasant and comfortable for sightseeing. Monsoon brings heavy rain to Dawki, and it is best to avoid visiting during the peak monsoon season because heavy rain can cause landslides and road blockages.

Dawki’s temperature ranges from 8 degrees Celsius at its coldest to 32 degrees Celsius at its warmest.

Summer Season:

Less intense than in other regions of north India, summers are mild. To fully appreciate this location’s scenic beauty, Ideal times to travel are from March to June. During the summer, the water in the Umngot River appears crystal clear, attracting more tourists. The temperature ranges from 25°C to 30°C. However, this weather will not interfere with sightseeing or other activities. Boating is permitted for tourists here during the summer as well.

Monsoon Season:

The monsoon season brings with it a wet and humid climate. Due to heavy rains, the Umngot River receives muddy water flows, which may cause it to lose its allure. Throughout the year, Dawki gets 3,704mm of rain. Those who want to explore the crystal beauty of the Umngot River should avoid visiting during the monsoon season. Mid-June used to mark the start of monsoon season, which would last through the end of September.

Winter Season:

Winters in Dawki are ideal for exploring. From November to March, the season lasts. Temperatures are still pleasant, ranging from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. The Umngot River is at its clearest at this time. This draws people in to enjoy the scenery and capture photo opportunities. The weather rarely gets cold, and this is also a good time to pack woolen clothes in your luggage.